Readers' Favorite

September 8, 2012

Action Packed: Untraceable

Untraceable by S. R. Johannes
Published November 2011
ISBN13 9780984799107
Read August 2012
Source: author
Goodreads, IndieBound, Amazon

A month or so ago I met S. R. Johannes at a book signing. The Nature of Grace series intrigued me, but I purchased her other book - On the Bright Side (see Jamie's review), but it was more appropriate for my niece. Also, I was afraid that Untraceable might be a bit scarier than I like my stories. It is a young adult series (if you let your kid read Hunger Games then this book would be appropriate for them).

Untraceable is about a teenager's search for her father. She uncovers something much bigger and more dangerous than she could have imagined. Along the way, everything she knows about herself and the people she's closest to is challenged.

I was asked to be on the blog tour for the sequel, Uncontrollable so I was sent the first book. I wasn't sure how I would feel about the book. I have a morbid curiosity with the dark side of human life yet dark forests scare me: I was torn between wanting to read the book and not wanting to have nightmares. My curiosity won out. And I'm glad it did.

I started Untraceable when I was heading into a bit of reading funk. This is the 55th book I've read this year (my Goodreads challenge was 55) and I needed a break. I'm telling you this because my feelings for the beginning of the story may be a bit skewed. I thought the story started off slowly. I know that there was a bit of setting up that needed to be done, but I wouldn't wait for the action to begin.

And wow, when the action did start it was kicked into high gear.

It was well-written and fans of strong female characters will enjoy the story. Grace has enough vulnerability to make her a believable character. I can't say if I really liked her or not. I don't think we would have been friends, but then again Grace doesn't seem like one that would have many friends in the first place so maybe we would have.

The story took some twists and turns that I wasn't expecting, yet some parts of the mystery I suspected.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. It got pretty intense towards the end. Don't expect the ending to be all roses and questions answered, it is the first book in the series afterall.


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  1. Loving the new look of the blog :)

    The cover of this book is gorgeous, I am a big fan of strong female protagonists so I might just have to check this out.

    Love Rie x

    1. Thanks! I'm liking the new template too.

      It does have a great cover.

  2. yay im so glad you liked it Donna. And I'm even gladder (more glad :) we met!

    1. I'm glad we met, too. Looking forward to reading more of your books.

