I have really enjoyed this young adult paranormal romance series. I wasn't sure what I was in for when I won the first book from this new to me author. Boyfriend from Hell really set up the series well (read my review). And it was followed by the equally excellent Earth Angel (read my review). So I was anxiously waiting to see what would happen next in Heaven Sent. Fates conspired against me, but after a couple of false starts I finally got to it last month.
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I blamed the first couple of starts, but non-completion to my recent neurological issues that completely ruined my concentration. But by the time I did finish the book, I realized it was at least partially the story that couldn't hold my attention. There seemed to be something missing in this installment.
It may just be the curse of its place in the series. It is the next to last book in the Falling Angel Saga. To me it felt like this book was marking time more than actually moving the story forward. At the same time, though it did wrap up some threads. So I'm going to say this solidly set up the story to take its final curtain call in the next book.
The Falling Angel Saga is thoroughly a young adult series. (My 11 year old niece wasn't ready for the relationship stuff in this series.) Yet, it isn't so young that grown up young adult readers won't enjoy it. If you don't like waiting on sequels to be released, it won't be long until this series will be complete. It would be an excellent time to start it.
Book Info:
ebook & paperback (209 pages)
Published December 2012 by White Whisker Books
ISBN13: 9780983632952
Source: Author
Read: December 2013
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