The Sound of Crickets by Marissa Farrar is written as a blog and as e-mails between four women. They met online after one of the women (Amelia) put up an ad asking for people to join a blog to talk about everyday life. The women are from different places and each have a different home life and work situation. Most women reading this book will be able to relate to one or more of the women in the book. They have their ups and downs, adultery, cancer, new jobs and babies and share their experiences, through the blog and e-mails to each other.
I very much enjoyed this book, I could relate to one of the women quite easily and agreed with a lot of what she said and did. It is written well and will leave you feeling happy and sad for the characters depending on what they are going through at that point in their lives.
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I totally fell in love with the book and its characters, the ladies are so witty, charming, caring and funny, they form strong bonds of friendship almost immediately despite the fact that they have never met face to face but only online. They support each other in their times of need but they also tell each other the harsh truths when needed. I found myself missing the characters once I had finished the book and wondering what was happening in their lives now.
It shows how important online relationships can be and how easy it is to make strong lasting friendships.
I would recommend The Sound of Crickets by Marissa Farrar to all those who love books about real life issues, and blogging and funny, warm touching stories.
Format: ebook
Published: April 2014
Source: Author
Read: April 2014
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Excellent review of an interesting book.