What made you decide to start writing? Was this something you always thought you’d do?
I’ve always written things down, since I was a child. But I wrote my first story at about age 13 about a tornado taking a child mother away. It became away to hide my fears and purge them at the same time. Writing has never been something I imagined myself doing. I always wanted to do car customization.
How do you come up with your characters or story ideas?
All my ideas are based around a memory I have from my own life. One small moment is turned it into a full story of someone elses life. I use to remind myself I am not the only person who lived through that, may they be real or thought up, they made it through it.
How do you get inspired to write?
Emotions: I hear a song that reminds me of something, or I see a picture maybe. There is always something going on around me yet, I find myself soaking in my own mind, my fictional wonderland.
What do you do while having writers block?
Nothing really, I wait. However, occasionally my editor listens to me and she starts seeing the story even before I do. I blurt out thoughts or visions I see about the story line and then she speaks up and says, “Ok, I see where your going with that, we could say . . ., or we could . . .” she is a big part of my writing, she fills in my blank spots or as most would call my “block”. I know I could write without her input, but I hope I never have to. She is the best soundboard and always remembers it’s my story, they are my characters. She loves them as much as I do but never tries to dictate what I do with them. Unless it comes to killing them off, I tend to want to kill them all off at one point or another. She saves them!!! #lovemyeditor
What kind of stories do you write?
Everything. Drama, romance, erotica, and I’m currently researching for a paranormal. I guess once I publish it all, I will figure out which I am best at via sales records and stick more towards that genre. I figure I’d be great at darker based stories but no one wants to read ‘sad kill me now crap’ all the time, and I sure don’t want to write it all the time.
Who’s your favorite author(s)?
I adore Stephan King but I am trying to gear towards the indie movement more now that I am a part of it. I love Jennifer Foor, Devon Hartford, and Kendall Grey but I have a few that rank high on my list of literary lovers.
How long have you been writing?
I’ve written here and there since I was a young teenager but didn’t publish my first book until July 2013.
What are your stories about?

Buy Trailer Park Princess at Amazon
What are you currently working on?
I have book two High Class Harlot (Switching Tracks Series) with my editor now and book three Blue Collared Knight (Switching Tracks Series) has just entered the early stages of plotting.
What do you do when not writing?
When not writing, I have 3 other jobs. I work full-time for a collection company, I work part time for a local church doing the HR, & I tend to random kids on the fly. I also have a husband and two kids who require attention at random times. Both my children 4 & 9 play sports and I spend time soaking up the sun while enjoying their everyday lives.
** Don’t tell anyone but in order to write erotica you must research, so I spend some time doing that as well ;)**
Heather Kirchhoff lives in a small town in Missouri. She became a bookworm back in sixth grade when her teacher suggested the Phantom Stallion series by Terri Farley and instantly fell in love. She loves reading paranormal stories, plus some love ones here and there. Writing is her passion-it helps her escape the world for a while, as well as reading-she doesn’t know what she’d do without it. She just loves it. When she isn’t writing, Heather is doing odd jobs, reading, taking walks, or spending time with her boyfriend and animals/family. Richelle Mead, Alyson Noel, and Stephenie Meyer inspired her to write. Connect with Heather on Facebook and Twitter.
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