Readers' Favorite

July 7, 2015

Review: Those Girls by Chevy Stevens

by Donna Huber

Those Girls
First Chapter, First Paragraph

We'd only been on the road for an hour but we were almost out of gas. The white line of the highway blurred in front of my eyes, my lids drooping. It was three in the morning and we'd barely slept for days. Dani was driving, her face pale, her long dirty-blond hair pulled under a baseball cap and out the back in a makeshift ponytail, her eyes staring straight ahead. Her name was Danielle, but we just called her Dani. The oldest at almost eighteen, she was the only one who had her license. She'd barely said a word since we left Littlefield.

The Review

Chevy Stevens is one of my favorite authors and I was excited to see she had a new novel coming out this summer. I couldn't wait to read Those Girls. I was so impatient that when I had to chose a new book to read at my lunch break I decided to start it. I knew better. I knew I would have a difficult time putting it down when my lunch hour ended. I was very proud of my self-control, too bad I didn't do so well when the evening came.

Stevens's stories are always edge of your seat thrillers that are almost impossible to put down. The things she puts her characters through...

Those Girls was slightly different than her previous novels. Three young girls, sisters, are barely surviving while there father works out of town. Though they are almost out of food and have to work hard hours on a farm, it is better than being split up in foster care. And though they need their father to come home with a paycheck, they are better off when he isn't there. Just as the cupboards go bare, their father shows up drunk and angry. Things quickly go from bad to worse and the girls don't know what to do. They decide they have to run.

As a reader you are thinking okay this is the horrible past they must recover from like a typical Stevens's novel. Maybe they'll even connect with the shrink from the previous novels. But no, the horrors haven't ended for the girls.

This story is so heart wrenching and terrifying. But oh so good. Stevens creates characters that you care about. The plots are so realistic that you swear you heard about it on the evening news. If dark stories are your thing, then you must read Chevy Stevens' Those Girls.

What I love most about her novels is how clearly the human spirit is displayed. Her characters live through horrific situations and though life isn't easy and they may still have problems, they also don't curl up in balls and forget to live life. It is what draws me to dark stories and when it is done well, I just can't put the book down.

Buy Those Girls at Amazon

Book info:
available format: ebook, audio, print (384 pages)
published: July 2015 by St. Martin's Press
ISBN13: 9781250034588
genres: thriller
source: Netgalley
read: June 2015 

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  1. I LOVED this book...just as I have loved every book by this author. Thanks for's mine, from an author that is new-to-me: “WATERMELON”

  2. I've wanted to read this book for a long time! Thanks for the review.

  3. I love edge of your seat thrillers. I have never read anything by this author, but I know she has lots of fans out there. I don't read dark thrillers as often as I used to, but now and then I still like to lose myself in one.

  4. You've convinced me to give this author a closer look.

  5. Looking forward to this book. Love this author too.

  6. I've had her book from last year (That Night, I think?) on my TBR list forever and haven't gotten to it yet! But, I'm glad you enjoyed this one!

  7. I've read a few of this author's previous books, so this one went automatically on my list. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for visiting my Tuesday intro.

