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January 28, 2016

So Much to Love ~ Sinister by Jana Deleon

review by Elisa Hordon


There is so much to love about Sinister by Jana Deleon.

Shaye is back with another mystery to solve. I love Shaye. She is one of those characters that stays with you long after you've finished the book, Shaye is strong, smart and she can kick ass when she needs to, but she also has a vulnerable side which she hides. After everything she's been through, you wonder how she is still functioning.

Jackson Lamonte a great cop, an awesome detective, even if his surly partner doesn't think so and the one person outside of Shaye's family that she has come to trust. Jackson saved Shaye's life once; can he keep her safe again and keep his feelings for Shaye in check? Jackson is finding the more time he spends with Shaye the more time he wants to spend with her.

Jackson is a great guy: he is charming, good looking and great at his job even if he is saddled with a partner who doesn't care. Jackson finds a way to get the job done even if it means bending the rules and working with Shaye. I love that Jackson is willing to blur the lines to get the job done but in a good way. Working with Shaye is the right way to go even if technically he shouldn't and really they both work so well together especially with that spark of chemistry between them.

When a street kid named Hustle comes to Shaye with a missing person case, she jumps straight on it. When that missing person case collides with Jackson's murder case, things get more interesting and when more street kids go missing Shaye and Jackson do everything they can to figure this case out before Hustle goes missing forever.

Sinister is a thrilling, captivating adventure that I just couldn't put down.

Buy Sinister at Amazon

Book info:
available formats: ebook
published: January 2016
genres: crime, mystery, suspense

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