Paperback, 568 pages
Published August 2002 by Blackwell Publishing Limited
ISBN13: 9780631222941
Read January 2007
I was assigned to read this book by my economics professor for my comprehensive exams. My dissertation research was on the economics, ecology, and ethics of recovery the Florida panther. I found this to me a very interesting read. I had about 10 or 12 books to read for my exams and only about a month to prepare so I could not savor it as much as I would have liked and have often thought of picking it up again. My eyes were open to a number of environmental issues that I hadn't thought much about.
I was particularly intrigued by the Eco-feminism chapter. I had read many articles that argued to be environmentally minded one must be a vegetarian. I had also read some text that argued that it was morally right to be a vegetarian. However, probably because I am not a vegetarian or really that well read on diets, there is evidence that for woman a vegetarian diet is not optimal for health. The chapter talked about how most diet plans are for the average male and that woman have different dietary needs. In addition, the mineral supplements that must be consumed to have a balance diet can often cause more environmental harm that an omnivore diet.
But it was probably that last selection of readings in this anthology that most interested me. My research focus, and general interest in the subject, was the intersection between social values and environmental issues. As with all the other sections, there is a nice balance of view points and a breadth of topics discussed.
You do not need to be pursuing a Ph.D. to enjoy this book or to be able to take something from it. If you are interested in environmental and social issues I recommend you pick up a copy of Environmental Ethics: An Anothology as it will serve as a good primer to a wealth of information and viewpoints on this subject.