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July 10, 2012

Once Upon a Read-a-thon Updates & Challenges

The Once Upon a Read-a-thon started on Monday and I decided to just make one post to catalog my updates and challenges I participate in. I will update this post Tuesday evening and Wednesday evening, so if you want to know how I'm doing and what challenges I did bookmark this post. Here's my goal in case you missed it on Sunday:

Goal: To read 1 book or at least read 1 hour each day (since I work during the day, I thought I'd keep the goal simple).


Day 1: Started Fourteen by C. M. Smith. It is a book I bought last summer and hadn't found time to read it. It is 174 pages and today I read 37 pages in 1 hour.

Day 2:  Read pages 38 - 119 of Fourteen by C. M. Smith. Thanks to internet outage I read for 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Day 3: Finished Fourteen by C. M. Smith. Started Life, Sex, & Hannah (Vol 1, Spring Season). Read 27% of it. I read for at least an hour today. I was snatching minutes here and there so not sure really how long.


Day 1: Between the Pages hosted a character trivia game. I've only read one the books that is part of the game so I didn't participate. IB Book Blogging hosted the other mini challenge with two questions about covers.

Question 1: What is your favorite cover that has been revealed this summer and why? Post a link or picture of the cover if you want.

Question 2: Do you rely on the cover to help you choose whether you want to read a book or not?

I try not to judge a book by its cover, but it is human nature to judge based on what we see. I know when I'm at charity book sales (where it is only costing me a quarter a book), that I often pick up a book because I liked the cover. But I also know that a great cover is only part of what makes a book great. For books I'm pitched to review or browsing at the bookstore, the cover can be a deciding factor for books I'm on the fence about after reading the summary.

Day 2: Today's mini-challenges were hosted by Kindle Fever and Stiletto Storytime.

I've decided to Stiletto Storytime's challenge of naming your favorite author from another country. In high school, I loved European authors - Dickens, the Brontes (Charlotte more so than Emily), and Flaubert. For more modern authors, who doesn't love J. K. Rowling? This question make me wonder if I'm reading fewer international authors lately because I was having a hard time thinking of a name. I think some of it is I don't really know where the authors are from. I just finished A Discover of Witches by Deborah Harkness - she's lived in the UK and the book was pretty British. I'm looking forward to the sequel which released today.

Day 3: The Reader Bee and Magnet 4 Books hosted today's mini-challenges. The Reader Bee wanted to know our most anticipated book of 2012. For me, I can't wait for the release of the fourth book in The Gateway Chronicles Series: The Enchanted by K. B. Hoyle. It's a great series and my niece won't stop bugging me about when the next one is coming out (which won't end when the next book comes out because there are 2 more books to come).

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  1. The Sandcastle Girls is beautiful. Best of luck meeting your goals. Hope to see you around the read-a-thon and watch your progress.
    My Kick Off Post...

