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February 16, 2013

Interesting - Mission: Adulthood

Mission: Adulthood by Hannah Seligson was an interesting look at Generation Y. Seligson defined the generation as those born between 1978 and 1988, making me just one year shy of being in that group. Yet, I could see many of my own philosophy reflected in those she interviewed.

Instead of just providing facts and figures, Seligson followed the lives of seven adults in their 20s. She documented their choices and decisions as they struggled to make the jump from college student to "real" adulthood. What she discovered (though anyone living in society could probably already tell you) is that their version of adulthood is not the status quo of past generations.

A few years ago I read a book about the post-baby boomer generation (my generation) and in it the author said that young people were extending adolescences. After reading Mission:Adulthood I wonder if we don't just have more mature adolescents that in past generations.

I highly recommend Mission: Adulthood by Hannah Seligson to anyone who works with (or has) twenty-somethings. It will help you better relate to them by explaining a number of the ways where this generation is challenging the stereotype, but not shirking responsibility. Really, one has to be an over-achiever to run (and win) for College Republicans National President or start up an energy business in Tanzania.  All the while they may be facing the toughest economic climate since the Great Depression and maybe for the first time a college degree doesn't guarantee a higher salary.

Book Info:
Published: November 2012 by Diversion Books

Source: Lucinda Literary
Read: January 2013

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