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February 4, 2013

Meet the Author: Liss Thomas

Big thanks to Donna for having me on her blog.

I am originally from Atlanta, Georgia but my hubby and I have been traveling for his job and have lived in sunny Santa Barbara, California, cold and allergy ridden, South Carolina and now are in sunny Clearwater, Florida.

Last year was a milestone for me as I published my first novel! I use exclamation marks because I'm excited about that feat! The novel started as a series of short stories that my sister initially refused to read because the first one had a sad ending. So, I changed the ending and continued to write until I realized it would not be contained in short stories alone.

I've only done a few author interviews but several interview with my characters! It's amazing what you can learn from them when you sit them down for a chat.

As for me, I am (insert age over 30 here). I love living by the water, hence, California and Florida. I started writing seriously only a few years ago and have enjoyed the rush of creativity. My one story has led to many ideas for more.

After a short six month adventure from the world of having a day job, I am now going back to work full time for a few months. My writing life will have to exist in the evenings and weekends. Boo! But I must say, working again will probably give me more ideas for characters and scenes.


I am currently working on several works at the same time. My brain hops from one story to the next
and I write whatever the brain is in tuned to at the time. It works most of the time.

  • The sequel to my debut novel is my top priority since I want it out in June. I'm still working out the kinks! My nemesis is Facebook. If you see me on it, tell me to get back to work!
  • I'm also writing a serial online novel called ‘Hidden Monsters’ on my blog using writer's prompts from my favorite prompt site Creative Copy Challenge. New challenges appear on Mondays and Thursdays, which is when I write the next chapters to my serial.

About the Author:

Liss Thomas is a YA Fantasy Author who likes to dabble in other genres as well. She currently resides in Florida and is patiently waiting for her first glimpse of a wild alligator (from a distance is fine). She is a loving of animals and will pet anything, hence the picture. When she's not writing, she's playing iPad games and dreaming of fishing.
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