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March 22, 2013

Love of Shadows Word Puzzle

Judith, the heroine of my book Girl in the Glass and its sequel Love of Shadows, is trained as a perfume-maker. As a result I have had a wonderful time researching the various ingredients and methods used in traditional perfume-making.

Below is a scrambled word puzzle; all the words are materials used in making scents.

Love of Shadows will be free next week - 26th - 28th March at Amazon (US) and Amazon (UK)

About the Book:

"I had always felt most alive, when I was healing. Without healing I was a tin top spinning out of kilter soon to catch the ground. It took all my energy to hold myself from skidding into chaos."

In the city of Pharsis traditional women healers are banned from practising and the penalty for breaking the law is death by hanging. After being arrested and interrogated twice Judith is careful to avoid suspicion, but then scarlet fever breaks over the city like a poisonous wave, leaving in its wake the small corpses of children. What will the young healer do?

Love of Shadows is the second novel in The Healer's Shadow trilogy, which began with Girl in the Glass, and follows the lives of Judith and her Shadow, Sarah. It is a study in grief, love and defiance.

About the Author:

Zoe Brooks is a British writer and poet, who spends half her life in a partly restored old farmhouse in the Czech Republic, where she writes all her novels and poetry. She aims to write popular books, which have complex characters and themes that get under the reader's skin.

Zoe was a successful published poet in her teens and twenties, (featuring in the Grandchildren of Albion anthology). In May 2012 she published her long poem for voices Fool's Paradise as an ebook on Amazon, which has just won an EPIC ebook award. Zoe has three novels published Mother of Wolves, Girl in the Glass and her latest book Love of Shadows.
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