Readers' Favorite

July 19, 2013

Writing Prompt: I'm Late

Last week's entries were awesome. Bravo to the authors who took the challenge. If page views are any indication, readers seemed to enjoy it as well.  I know last week's prompt was a little dark, so I'm lightening it up a bit this week. I hope you will take the challenge and link up your Flash Fiction or Short Story to the list. Don't have a blog of your own? Email me for a possible feature on Girl Who Reads. There are only 3 rules:

  1. The following prompt must be included in the story (beginning, middle, or end); personal pronouns can be changed to fit your story.
  2. If your story contains mature content, kindly add (18+) with the linky.
  3. Link to this post to encourage your readers to read the other submissions
Are you ready? Here you go...

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  1. Forgot to link back, will get that done now! Fun fun fun!

