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October 21, 2013

Blog Tour: The Ivory Tower by Kirstin Pulioff

Tour Schedule

Oct. 21 Sarah Aisling  Review & Top Ten List
Oct. 22 Mom With A Kindle Book Promo
Oct. 23 To Taste Life Twice Review & Top Ten List
Oct. 24 Down the Rabbit Hole Review & Character Interview
Oct. 25 OlgaNM Character Interview
Oct. 26 Larkin's Book Bloggers Top Ten List
Oct. 27 Cabin Goddess Weekly Shorts & Brooke Blogs Review & Top Ten List
Oct. 28 Girl Who Reads Author Interview
Oct. 29 Jenn's Review Blog Review

About the Book

277 –the number sewn into Simone’s shirt. The number that dictates her life at the protection camp. Regulated by a system of ringing bells, fortified cars, and rations, the survivors are protected from residual contaminates on the other side of the wall.
Breaking the monotony of the highly structured camp, Simone and her friend skip school to enjoy one of the last nice days of fall.  An afternoon game leads them to a new part of the forest, uncovering more than they expected.  All thoughts of protection and rules are shattered by the appearance of the ivory tower.  A tower riddled with a history of danger and death.
When her friend shows up with a bruised face and thinly veiled threats, Simone has to decide how much she is willing to risk to find out the truth of the tower.

Buy The Ivory Tower at Amazon

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