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July 29, 2014

Review: Benton (Benton #1) by @JolieduPre

by Claire Rees

WOW. I started Benton by Jolie du Pre and was hooked from the first few pages. 

We meet Jennifer Benton. The only person left alive in her household after zombies take over the world. She is pretty level headed and has planned for this apocalypse since she first heard the reports of zombie people attacking others. However she realises that soon she will run out of food and water and knows she will have to move on soon. With her back pack full and all she needs in the boot of her car. 

She leaves her home for the last time and starts a journey to a camp she has heard about where other survivors are.  But the journey does not go as planned and she ends up losing her car and some of her belongings. 

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She meets up with a new group of people holed up in a garage and they take her in. The survivors in the garage are also looking to move on soon after one last supply run and are making their way to Texas to a ranch owned by one of the group members.

They ask Jennifer to go with them and she agrees, and so her journey starts again, only this time she has friends.

I loved this book and cannot wait to read number two. The author’s writing style is descriptive and very entertaining. The characters are a varied group and just the sort of different personalities you may expect.  I think that if you like zombies or post apocalyptic books then you would love this book.                         

Also keep a look out for book two that is being released in a few weeks!!!!

Book Info
ebook & paperback
Published May 2014 by Precious Monsters Press
ISBN13: 9780615986036
Read: July 2014

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