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July 1, 2014

Review: Dystance - Winter Rising by M.R. Tufo

by Claire Rees

Dystance Winter Rising
So, Mark Tufo is one of my all time favourite writers.  I first discovered Mark’s Zombie Fallout series about a year ago and since then have quickly devoured each and every one of his other books from Zombies to werewolves and aliens and I loved them all.

So when I found out he was releasing a new book I quickly pre-ordered Dystance: Winter Rising off Amazon. Then I found out it was a completely different genre to what he normally writes and above all this one was young adult, but once again Mark did not disappoint.

Dystance: Winter Rising follows a main character ‘Winter’ and her two friends ‘Ceder’ her best girl friend and ‘Tallow’ her best friend and possible love interest. They are growing  up in a town called ‘Dystance’ with dozens of other children of all ages who have been bred for one of two reasons; either to go to war to fight for Dystance for reasons unknown or to go to the ‘Bio labs’ to breed more children.

Buy Dystance: Winter Rising at Amazon

You will follow them through their everyday lives as they fight to survive without parents to help them and with the meagre food rations they are given by the ‘Brokers’, a group of men whose job it is to ensure the children are kept in line.

But for these three characters their time is nearly up and they will soon be off to war, maybe never to return. So they have to make some really hard decisions that will affect their lives and many others.

I loved the book even though it was a much different genre to the author's other books. There is a lot of action, fear and suspense with a little bit of love, romance and betrayal thrown in for good measure.

I would recommend this to all who love  good action/adventure young adult books.

Book info:
Published June 2014
Source: purchased
Read: June 2014

Claire Rees lives in a small village in the South Wales Valleys, UK with her husband, two kids and five snakes. She will hopefully be starting an English literature course this September. She has always loved reading books. Her favorite genres are horror, mystery and fantasy, although if the story line is good she'll read anything. Connect with Claire on Facebook.

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