Readers' Favorite

January 25, 2015

Discover Indies Book Club

by Donna Huber

I mentioned on Thursday that I was starting a book club. Several people were quick to join in and I've worked out the details. Here are a few more details and I hope you will join us, too.

What: Discover Indies Book Club

We are a virtual book club that will meet monthly to discuss a book. Each month a member will choose the book for the next month and lead the discussion for that book. When it is a BookSurf (provider of signed paperbacks in the US) title, the discussion leader will receive the hostess rewards.

As the name implies we will be focused on reading indie published books - books that are self-published, small press, or from publishing co-ops.

Our first book is Chasing Invisible by Karen Pokras Toz.  Signed paperbacks are available from BookSurf and orders can be placed online, please use REP #0015 (I'll earn a commission) at check out. For those outside the US or prefer ebooks, it is 99 cents at Amazon. (I'll earn a commission for purchases made through the Amazon link. The link should direct you to the Amazon in your country.)

Who: Everyone

The group is open to everyone regardless of where you live. As most indie published books are offered world-wide, everyone should be able to participate. BookSurf only ships signed paperbacks to US addresses and, therefore, only US-based members can earn the hostess rewards.

When: The last week of the month

We will meet the last week of the month. To allow for different time zones and busy schedules we will allow a week for discussion. However, there won't actually be a cut off for any discussion. So we don't spoil a book for anyone in the group, I ask that discussion of the current read not begin until the first day of the meeting week, but discussion can last beyond the seven days.

First discussion will take place Sunday, February 22 through Saturday, February 28.

Where: Facebook Group

I've created a Facebook Group for us to use. It is a closed group so the discussion can't be seen by non-members. That way we can talk spoilers without worry of spoiling the book for our friends that haven't read it.

Are you ready to get reading? Here's a sample of Chasing Invisible:

Girl Who Reads is an Amazon advertising affiliate; a small commission is earned when purchases are made through the above link. Donna is an independent BookSurf consultant.


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