Readers' Favorite

May 30, 2015

#ArmchairBEA: It's #giveaway day!

by Donna Huber

Today is everyone's favorite day at ArmchairBEA - Give Away Day! (scroll down for my book/movie picks)

I'm giving away 1 BookSurf item. The winner can choose a signed paperback or swag item. Here's the catalog for you to look through. (If you would like to place an order, you can email donna (at) May's deal is spend $35 and get a FREE signed paperback of you choice). Enter the giveaway below.

This giveaway is open to US addresses only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Best & Worst Book-to-Movie Adaption

I thought Harry Potter was well done. Yes, some of my favorite parts in the books were removed or rearranged, but over all they held true to the spirit of Harry Potter. My favorite movie is probably the first one because it opened my eyes to the wonders of Harry Potter. My least favorite movies is probably Prisoner of Azkaban because it lost some of the emotional depth of the book.

Elephants to Water was great. I listened to the audio book before seeing the movie and sometimes I the voices of the characters in my head are so different than what I hear in the movie that I don't like it. However, I felt that it was spot on and though there were some changes in the movie I still loved it.

I also love the Anne of Green Gables movies (1985, 1987, 2000). I was so disheartened to hear that the actor who played Gilbert Blythe died a month ago. A few summers ago I finally read the entire Anne of Green Gables series and learned that the movies don't actually represent the books that well. But you know what? Megan Follows will always be my Anne.

The Hallmark version of The Secret Garden is great, though I have to admit I have not read the actual book.

I have mixed feelings on The Hunger Games movies. I've only seen The Hunger Games and Catching Fire and they were okay. I think I was over the series by the time the movies came out and that colored my view of the movies.

Now for some of the worst movies... The movies for the Twilight series were a laugh. Seriously I had to suppress laughter during New Moon every time Taylor Lautner took off his shirt. Plus who bleeds so much from a paper cut, but barely bleeds when her head hits a rock? Then there's part 2 of Breaking Dawn. I guess they thought Harry Potter could split book 7 into two movies why not do it the ours? (I'm kind of skeptical if Mockingjay needed to split into two movies). Eclipse is probably the best movie of the set, but then again I watched it in Prague and was happy with the respite from walking all day.

There have been plenty of more adaptions that I have disliked, but I am slow to say they were actually bad. My dislike typically stems from the movie not fitting my vision of the book. So as a movies on its own it may not really be that bad.

A photo posted by Donna (@girl_who_reads) on


  1. It looks like there is a lot of promising books in the books surf catalog. Thank you for the giveaway.

  2. Confession: I saw the Anne of Green Gables movies when I was in 3rd grade, maybe 4th. I was so in love with both movies (there were only 2 at the time) and would watch them over and over. I didn't realize for about a year that there were books, and I was ecstatic about it, devouring them. The books were fantastic, but there will always be a place in my heart for the movies--even if they didn't really get it right. :)

