Readers' Favorite

August 7, 2015

The Importance of a Sound Environment (@satiswrites)

English: Hurst Castle : Basement Room This roo...
English: Hurst Castle : Basement Room This room - like quite a few in the castle - was used to store gunpowder. Today it's a bit damp at high tide so if we went any further our socks would get wet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
by Chris

I apologize in advance if this is short, rambling, and/or incoherent. I’ve spent the last month moving house, which as I understand it is one of the most stressful life events there is, right up there with deleting your Facebook account. Our new house is still filled with unpacked boxes (and probably will be for some months to come), and I’m grumpy because I can’t find the sugar for my coffee.

Whenever you move house, you end up prioritizing what you unpack, naturally. First you need your clothes, then your pots and pans, food, etc. A little later, you can think about setting up the TV and internet (unless you’re me, in which case that comes before everything), and somewhere way down the line you think about getting back to the things you normally do on an everyday basis.

For me, of course, that would be writing. Except … I haven’t actually written a word of my current work in progress in nearly four months. It’s a genuine frustration, because I really want to get my second book out there to the world, and focus on finishing off my third. But I’ve just not had any motivation lately, and although it’s taken me a while to figure it out, I suspect I know why.

You see, for the past year I’ve been working in a dim, windowless basement, with no view to the outside and no concept of the passage of time via true daylight. It wasn’t necessarily by choice; the house we were renting at the time was great for us in many ways, and at first I thought it’d be no big deal; after all, I’ve worked in much worse environments than that in the past.

But as time went on, I found myself increasingly reluctant to sit down at my computer and actually do any real writing. I’d spend most of my time on my iPhone, playing games or browsing endlessly through Facebook and Flipboard, but I’d never go and sit down at my computer. On the occasions that I did, I would get up and go do something else within a few minutes.

Eventually it dawned on me that I dreaded sitting down in front of my computer to do … well, almost anything. And after a while, I started realizing that it wasn’t the process of writing I was dreading (not entirely, at least), but rather the environment in which I was doing it. I just couldn’t be cooped up in a dingy basement for hours on end

To that end, I’m delighted to say that in our new house, I have a full-on office all to myself, with wood-paneled walls and two big windows—daylight abounds. For the first time in a year I’m actually finding myself excited to sit down and write, and I think that the fact of having natural daylight is a huge factor in that. Now, I’m not saying that daylight is the key to a good day’s work (although I’m sure it helps), but rather that the environment in which you work is highly related to the quality of the work you do, and the motivation you have for doing it. For years, I’ve dismissed those who write in coffee shops as pretentious posers; now I think I understand. Sometimes the environment you have at home simply isn’t conducive to getting your work done.

So now I’m sitting at my wonderfully clean desk (never mind that all the papers are still waiting to be unboxed), ready to go at it again. Here’s to a productive next year, in a productive work environment. What do you think, incidentally? How does your immediate environment affect your ability to do your work?

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August 6, 2015

Want #free #books? Write reviews

by Donna Huber

Is your book buying budget to restrictive? Do you hate waiting for the newest books to be available at the library? Did you know that by agreeing to write reviews can get you FREE books? You don't even have to have a blog!

There are a few sites that will provide you with free review copies. Often what is offered are ebooks, but sometimes you can score print copies as well. All you need to do is read the book and write a review - the review doesn't have to be positive. The publisher/author usually requests that you post your review at Amazon and Goodreads and any other review/retail sites you are part of.

Anyone that has purchased ANYTHING at Amazon can write a product review for any book. Goodreads is a free site that will let you connect with other readers and authors. Other sites might be Barnes & Noble or Kobo, Library Thing, Tumbler, Facebook, etc.

LibraryThing Early Reviewers

LibraryThing is similar to and they offer an early reviewers program. Publishers submit upcoming releases and offer multiple copies that are doled out lottery style to requesting reviewers. Both big publishers (Random House, etc.) and small/indie publishers participate and some offer print copies. Check out the August offerings.

Goodreads Giveaways

If you are looking for print books, then Goodreads giveaways are the place to look. You aren't actually required to write reviews for books won, but it is recommended. Unlike on LibraryThing where there will be 25 or more copies available, a Goodreads giveaway may be for only 1 copy. Also check out Goodreads Groups as many authors and small publishers will have "calls" for reviewers and their own giveaways.

Reading Alley

I mentioned the new site Reading Alley. Anyone can sign up to write reviews. You are required to post a review on their site. If you are a romance reader, you may want to join their sister site - The Romance Reviews. As they deal with a lot of indie and self-published authors, they are mostly dealing in ebooks. There are other sites similar to this out there, some specialize more in one genre or another so look at where bloggers say they get their books or do a google search (just make sure you don't wind up at a pirate site).


Netgalley is open to media, librarians, booksellers, reviewers, and bloggers. Big publishers and small/indie publishers offer titles usually well in advance of their release date. To get some of the most popular titles, you will need to build a reputation on the site. You do this by increasing your Feedback to Approval rating. Also your profile helps. If you have a blog, tumblr, or social media presence add your views and follower stats to your profile. If you review a lot on Amazon mention how many "helpful" reviews you have. You will only get ebooks through this site, but publicists will put you on their mailing lists to pitch books directly to you and through the direct emails offer you a print copy.

Books can be expensive, especially for the avid reader and being on the wait list at the library for your favorite author's newest book can be a drag. But with internet and the need for regular readers to give reviews at places like Amazon, it is easier now than ever before to get free ebooks and books to satisfy your reading need.

Girl Who Reads is an Amazon advertising affiliate; a small commission is earned when purchases are made at Amazon using any Amazon links on this site. Thank you for supporting Girl Who Reads.

August 5, 2015

Review: Call the Midwife by Jennifer Worth

by Donna Huber

cover Call the Midwife
A few years ago I fell in love with the television show Call the Midwife that was playing on PBS. It plays in the same season as my guilty pleasure Downton Abbey and it was a great weekly viewing companion. After the first season I really wanted to read the memoir that the series is based on, but as a book reviewer with a mountain of review copies to get through I just felt guilty about picking it up. So I've enjoyed an number of seasons of 1950s midwives in London's East End.

Much to my great delight, the audio version of the memoir became available through my public library's digital download site. I snatched it up right away and LOVED every minute of it.

Nicola Barber was a wonderful narrator. Often when I listen to audio books where I've seen the movie or television show I'm confused by the different voice. But that wasn't the case with Call the Midwife.

The show always carries a graphic content warning and if you haven't seen the show it is GRAPHIC. It makes you very thankful for modern medicine. Though the 1950s weren't that long ago, medicine has come a long ways since then. It also makes me feel okay about never giving birth. In this instance the show is totally faithful to the book. Jenni's descriptions are super detailed. I wish I had the text so I could share her description of the clinic on hot days with dirty bodies and vaginal discharge odors. I was equal parts shocked and disgusted by the level of detail and the images it created in my mind.

While the show is pretty faithful to the book there are some story lines that have been combined so I did have a couple of "that's not how the story goes" moments. I loved all the extra background information provided by the book. I remember the scene in the show where the woman is scrubbing the floor and thinks she is in the work house again. In the book, there is a whole lot more about this woman and about work houses.

Call the Midwife isn't just a memoir of Jennifer Worth's life, but the lives of those she met along the way.

The later seasons of Call the Midwife have had me in tears with just about every episode. While I didn't cry with the book, it still tugged at the heartstrings.

If you are a fan of the show, I definitely recommend reading Call the Midwife. Even if you haven't watched the show, you should read it - your life will be enriched.

Buy Call the Midwife at Amazon

Book info
available formats: ebook, audio, print (352 pages)
published: September 2012 by Highbridge Company (audio)
ISBN13: 9781611749250
genre: memoir
source: library
listened: July 2015

Girl Who Reads is an Amazon advertising affiliate; a small commission is earned when purchases are made at Amazon using any Amazon links on this site. Thank you for supporting Girl Who Reads.

August 4, 2015

Short stories for light summer reading

by Elisabeth Scherer

I decided to include two books in this review because both were short stories or short story collections and as they didn’t take me long to read I put them in the mystery, light summer/weekend reading category.

I am including these books in the Teaser Tuesday Meme hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme where you share two (2) “teaser” sentences from your current read to try to entice others to want to seek it out.

cover The Further Adventures of Carlotta Carlyle
The Further Adventures of Carlotta Carlyle by Linda Barnes is a collection of 3 short mysteries revolving around a Private Investigator Carlotta, who is not your average PI. She is a six foot one with red hair, and an ex-cop who drives a taxi cab.  The first story finds Carlotta held up in her own taxi cab. In the second story Carlotta flies to the aid of a famous friend who has a stalker, and in the third story Carlotta solves a mystery while attending a baseball game at Fenway Park.

What I like about this series is the character is very much what you would expect when reading a book from a private investigator standpoint. She is funny and creatively thinks outside the box when solving the mysteries that find her. Reading this book makes me want to go read the full length novels of this character. I think that anyone who opens this book will have a nice sampling of who Carlotta Carlyle is and why they would like to put the entire series on the to be read pile.

Here are the Teasers from the three short stories included in the book:

“Now you wanna vacate my cab and go rob a phone booth?” My heart was beating like a tin drum, but I didn’t let my voice shake, and all the time I was gabbing at him, I kept trying to catch his face in the mirror. He must have been crouching way back on the passenger side. I couldn’t see a damn thing. - from Lucky Penny

The vision of the Reverend Davis’s Gibson keeping company with my old National Steel guitar had me up above the clouds, grasping the armrests, trying to fly the plane via mind control.
Ridiculous. I took six deep breaths, accepted the futility of telekinesis, and lapsed into fitful sleep.  - from Miss Gibson

You see everybody at Fenway...Some seem familiar, but only because you’ve seen them at the park before. Me, I semi-recognize a lot of guys, and often it’s because I’ve arrested them. I had that itchy feeling a couple of times waiting in line at the entry gates on Yawkey Way, but none of the faces screamed a warning, and nobody stopped to schmooze. - from Stealing First

Buy The Further Adventures of Carlotta Carlyle at Amazon

cover The Book of the Lion
The second book I am including this week is The Book of the Lion by Thomas Perry.  I picked this book because the description of the book had me thinking of The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown and as a good bookworm that I am, I was intrigued with the idea of a lost work of a famous writer like Chaucer being found. I will admit to not realizing the book was a short story until after I finished it. That shaded how I felt about the book overall. Taking that minor hiccup under consideration I really do like the idea of this book and felt that the storytelling moved along enough to keep me interested. I was disappointed at how the plot was resolved but won’t say anything to ruin your experience with this book if you decide to go read it. I think the story could be fleshed out into a longer and more thrilling novel that I would definitely want to read. All things considered I still enjoyed the short story and would definitely recommend this to others.

Here is the teaser for Teaser Tuesday:

Chaucer, first of the big three of English - the one from whom Shakespeare learned his true trade, not plays but deep understanding of human beings, and from whom Milton learned to write poetic narrative - was the one who wrote when the language itself was still in its childhood and could be exercised by one writer to grow into its mature strength. And what if, contrary to what everyone had thought for over half a millennium, a copy of The Book of the Lion had survived? - Teaser from The Book of the Lion by Thomas Perry (5% through the ebook)

I would recommend both books as light easy reads that will get you through an afternoon or three during the summer or maybe a rainy weekend with a glass of wine, a bowl of thick and creamy soup, and a fire in the fireplace (I cannot wait for autumn to be here).

Buy The Book of the Lion at Amazon

Book info:
The Further Adventures of Carlotta Carlyle
available format: ebook
published: July 2015 by Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller
Genre: Mystery
source: publisher
read: July 2015

The Book of the Lion
available format: ebook
Published: July 2015 by Road
genre: Mystery
source: publisher
read: July 2015

Free egalleys were provided for this review.Girl Who Reads is an Amazon advertising affiliate; a small commission is earned when purchases are made at Amazon using any Amazon links on this site. Thank you for supporting Girl Who Reads.

August 3, 2015

New Releases: August 2015

Get your wish lists ready there are a ton of great looking books coming out this month. What will you be reading first?

cover The Truth about Lies
The enemy is bent on enticing us to enjoy the gifts of this world while making the Giver optional or irrelevant in our quest for life. But what if in God's purposes, temptation is not merely an obstacle to overcome but an opportunity to flourish in faith?

Tim Chaddick believes our greatest temptation is to act independently from God. In The Truth about Lies, Chaddick reveals how Jesus' wilderness temptations serve as a field guide for understanding our own temptations, why God allows them, and the role they play in who we will ultimately become.

Available August 1
Buy The Truth about Lies at Amazon

cover Rome In Love
From the author of LAKE COMO comes the story of a young actress who lands the lead in a film that is shooting in Rome, bringing about difficult life choices, new friendships, and a chance at love.

When Amelia Tate is cast to play the Audrey Hepburn role in a remake of Roman Holiday, she feels as if all her dreams have come true. She has a handsome boyfriend, is portraying her idol in a major motion picture, and gets to live in beautiful Rome for the next two months.

Once there, she befriends a young woman named Sophie with whom she begins to explore the city. Together, they discover all the amazing riches that Rome has to offer. But when Amelia’s boyfriend breaks up with her over her acting career, her perfect world begins to crumble.

While moping in her hotel suite, Amelia discovers a stack of letters written by Audrey Hepburn that start to put her own life into perspective. Then, she meets Philip, a handsome journalist who is under the impression that she is a hotel maid, and it appears as if things are finally looking up. The problem is she can never find the right time to tell Philip her true identity. Not to mention that Philip has a few secrets of his own. Can Amelia finally have both the career and love that she’s always wanted, or will she be forced to choose again?

With her sensory descriptions of the beautiful sites, decadent food, and high fashion of Rome, Hughes draws readers into this fast-paced and superbly written novel. Rome in Love will capture the hearts of readers everywhere.

Available August 4
Buy Rome in Love at Amazon

cover Public Enemies
In Book 2 of the Immortal Game trilogy, Edie must learn the rules of the game . . . and then play better than anyone else.

Through a Faustian bargain, Edie Kramer has been pulled into the dangerous world of the Immortal Game, where belief makes your nightmares real. Hungry for sport, fears-made-flesh are always raising the stakes. To them, human lives are less than nothing, just pieces on a board.

Because of her boyfriend Kian's sacrifice, she's operating under the mysterious Harbinger's aegis, but his patronage could prove as fatal as the opposition. Raw from deepest loss, she's terrified over the deal Kian made for her. Though her very public enemies keep sending foot soldiers--mercenary monsters committed to her destruction--she's not the one playing under a doom clock. Kian has six months...unless Edie can save him. And this is a game she can't bear to lose.

Available August 4
Buy Public Enemies at Amazon

cover Jack Templar and the Lord of the Demons
With two of the Jerusalem Stones in hand, Jack and his friends must race the clock to find the remaining Stones as Ren Lucre's Creach forces gather strength. With two of their group now with Creach blood flowing in their veins, the team will be tested as never before. They must unite together if they have any hope of surviving their journey to the Underworld and their battle with the vicious Lord of the Demons. The fate of the entire world hangs in the balance.

Available August 4
Buy Jack Templar and the Lord of the Demons at Amazon

cover Life in Community

When people live in community moved by the gospel and marked by the Spirit, great things happen.

They commit to one another. They grieve together, sing together, eat, pray, and play together. They love, serve, honor, encourage, and provide for each other gladly. And they live on mission together.

Hearts are healed, walls come down, and outsiders come in. No competition. No pretense. No vain conceit. Just full hearts breaking bread and giving freely.

It is nothing short of amazing.

Most of us live in a shadow of what God intended for us. Life in Community calls us into the light. Reclaiming Scripture's stunning vision of gospel-centered community, it inspires us to live in love unbounded. Read it, live it, and join the movement: Help unleash the power of extraordinary community.

6-Week group study included.

Available August 4
Buy Life in Community at Amazon

cover The Collector
In the merciless microcosm of Paris art auctions and galleries, some people collect pre-Colombian statuettes, while others, like Marion Spicer, collect trouble. When she inherits a prestigious art collection from the father she never knew, her problems start. In order to come into possession of her inheritance, she must first find three priceless works of art, a quest that draws her into a world where people will kill for a love of beauty.

Available August 11
Buy The Collector at Amazon

cover Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes

Who cut off Medusa's head? Who was raised by a she-bear? Who tamed Pegasus? It takes a demigod to know, and Percy Jackson can fill you in on the all the daring deeds of Perseus, Atalanta, Bellerophon, and the rest of the major Greek heroes. Told in the funny, irreverent style readers have come to expect from Percy, ( I've had some bad experiences in my time, but the heroes I'm going to tell you about were the original old school hard luck cases. They boldly screwed up where no one had screwed up before. . .) and enhanced with vibrant artwork by Caldecott Honoree John Rocco, this story collection will become the new must-have classic for Rick Riordan's legions of devoted fans--and for anyone who needs a hero. So get your flaming spear. Put on your lion skin cape. Polish your shield and make sure you've got arrows in your quiver. We're going back about four thousand years to decapitate monsters, save some kingdoms, shoot a few gods in the butt, raid the Underworld, and steal loot from evil people. Then, for dessert, we'll die painful tragic deaths. Ready? Sweet. Let's do this.

Available August 18
Buy Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes at Amazon

cover Burnt Toast Makes You Sing Good
A delicious new memoir from the New York Times bestselling author of The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry

A family history peppered with recipes, Burnt Toast Makes You Sing Good offers a humorous and flavorful tale spanning three generations as Kathleen Flinn returns to the mix of food and memoir readers loved in her New York Times bestseller, The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry. Brimming with tasty anecdotes about Uncle Clarence’s divine cornflake-crusted fried chicken, Grandpa Charles’s spicy San Antonio chili, and Grandma Inez’s birthday-only cinnamon rolls, Flinn—think Ruth Reichl topped with a dollop of Julia Child—shows how meals can be memories, and how cooking can be communication. Burnt Toast Makes You Sing Good will inspire readers (and book clubs) to reminisce about their own childhoods—and spend time in their kitchens making new memories of their own.

Available August 25
Buy Burnt Toast Makes You Sing Good at Amazon

cover Until Friday Night
To everyone who knows him, West Ashby has always been that guy: the cocky, popular, way-too-handsome-for-his-own-good football god who led Lawton High to the state championships. But while West may be Big Man on Campus on the outside, on the inside he’s battling the grief that comes with watching his father slowly die of cancer.

Two years ago, Maggie Carleton’s life fell apart when her father murdered her mother. And after she told the police what happened, she stopped speaking and hasn’t spoken since. Even the move to Lawton, Alabama, couldn’t draw Maggie back out. So she stayed quiet, keeping her sorrow and her fractured heart hidden away.

As West’s pain becomes too much to handle, he knows he needs to talk to someone about his father—so in the dark shadows of a post-game party, he opens up to the one girl who he knows won’t tell anyone else.

West expected that talking about his dad would bring some relief, or at least a flood of emotions he couldn’t control. But he never expected the quiet new girl to reply, to reveal a pain even deeper than his own—or for them to form a connection so strong that he couldn’t ever let her go…

Available August 25
Buy Until Friday Night at Amazon

cover Breakout
All hell is breaking loose in the edge-of-your-seat follow-up to Havoc and Perdition from New York Times bestselling author Ann Aguirre…

The prison ship Perdition has become a post-battle charnel house with only a handful of Dred’s soldiers still standing and now being hunted by Silence’s trained tongueless assassins. Forging an uneasy alliance with mercenary commander Vost—who is their only chance at escape—the Dread Queen will do whatever it takes to end her life sentence on Perdition and keep the survivors alive long enough to cobble together a transport capable of getting them off station.

If Dred and her crew can win the deadly game of cat and mouse, the payoff is not only life but freedom—a prize sweeter than their wildest dreams. Yet the sadistic Silence would rather destroy Perdition than let a single soul slip from her grasp…

Available August 25
Buy Breakout at Amazon

cover Point Blank
The women of Fern Michaels’ New York Times bestselling Sisterhood series are beloved for bringing justice to strangers in need. And when one of their own needs help, that loyalty and commitment goes double…

Nothing compares to the bond between Sisters—except perhaps the special brotherhood between some of their menfolk. Nikki’s husband, Jack Emery, and Yoko’s partner, Harry Wong, have forged a deep friendship over the years. So when Jack awakens one night, knowing in his bones that Harry’s in trouble, he immediately rushes to Harry’s dojo.

Harry, pacing like a lion, has received a phone call from his old schoolmate Jun Yu in China. Both were educated at a Shaolin temple—the same temple where Harry’s daughter, Lily, is now a student. But Jun Yu has had to vacate the temple urgently. He’s managed to get his son out, but Lily is missing. And now Jun is trusting Harry to guard the most precious things in his life—his wife Ling and their two children, whom he has smuggled to America.

While long-time ally Pearl Barnes whisks Ling and her children to safety via her underground railroad, the Sisters and their allies head to the war room to make plans. Finding Lily is a top priority, and Kathryn’s partner, Bert Navarro, comes up with a way for the group to travel to China. They’ll go to Macau, nicknamed “the Monte Carlo of the Orient,” on the pretext of opening a casino there. But what will they find once they reach their destination? Can they hope to rescue Lily when the enemy has the home advantage…and the will to kill? The odds are stacked against them, but when the Sisterhood is involved, you can always bet on the underdog…

Available August 25
Buy Point Blank at Amazon

Covers and description from Girl Who Reads is an Amazon advertising affiliate; a small commission is earned when purchases are made at Amazon using any Amazon links on this site. Thank you for supporting Girl Who Reads.

August 2, 2015

The White Thread #ReadAlong & #Giveaway: Chapters 1 - 6 @KBHoyle_author

by Donna Huber

The White Thread
We are starting on The White Thread (book 3 of The Gateway Chronicles) today. Chapter wise this book is a little shorter and there are 5 Sundays in August so we will only be reading 6 chapters each week.

Once, again, I'm reading a previous edition so there may be a few differences in it from the one you can pick up at Amazon.

I think the reason I didn't remember the beginnings of the previous two books being slow is because starting with The White Thread the story moves quickly from the first page. This is also the first book were we get to see a little bit about Sam's, Lewis's, and Darcy's time at school. Do you think Brandon Cooper really likes Darcy and is picking on her in that silly immature boy way?

Ooh. Colin Mackaby is missing. Did he run away or is he stuck in some other world?

Cool vocabulary word alert!

I feel bad for Darcy as it seems like her and her dad's relationship is a bit strained this year. Their interaction at the end of chapter 1 is almost difficult to read because they always seemed to be so close.

What do you think of Darcy and Perry's developing relationship?

I can't help but roll my eyes at the opening to chapter 2.
It truly was a magical land of opportunities, a land where Darcy could shed the teasing and the heartache of the school year and become an entirely different personality. It was a place where reality was turned on its end and Darcy became, not the teased girl living with the outcasts on the margins of society, but a girl who was desired by a boy who was, not a prince, but a star athlete and the object of more than one girl's attentions. page 17
If you haven't intently read K. B. Hoyle's blog or read her interviews, you may not know that one of Hoyle's favorite books to teach to her students is The Histories of Herodotus, which she gives a little shout out to in chapter 2. Have read it? I haven't. I actually had never heard of it until I read this series.

Is Darcy changing into a tsellodrin? Are you as freaked out as Darcy when she saw her blood? What would happen if she did change all the way while still in her world? People would totally freak out.

At least she finally confided in Sam.

You may know that the six friends are somewhat based on the group of friends Hoyle made at camp. There was a boy that all the girls crushed on, much like Perry. I wonder if the boy of Hoyle's childhood had a bad haircut one summer or if it was purely her dislike of a current trend.

Do you think Darcy is obsessing over Colin? Or are the rest of them not taking it seriously enough?

After the encounter in the woods they are all anxious to get to Alitheia. The past two years they have gone through at the same time and it looks like they won't be able to get through early. It is interesting that Darcy feels compelled to beseech Pateros to open the Gateway early. I think there may be some importance to it. I mean, Pateros could have just opened the Gateway without Darcy asking. Or Darcy could have thought of it of her own accord. But she does it without thinking and it says she doesn't know what compelled her to do it.

So they are through the Gateway, but things are...different. No one is waiting for them. Even the fairies, gnomes and other creatures seem to be gone.

At least Darcy is a bit more confident this year. She stood up to Perry when she knew what they wanted to do was wrong. Too bad she couldn't talk the guys out of going whether they all went or not.

What do think about the golden circlet that formed when Darcy did her bit of air magic? A circlet is a type of ring.

And Rubidius is mad. What's new, right?

What do you think of the apparition of Tselloch?

Cool vocabulary word alert!

So things aren't so good in Alitheia. It seems like this year the six are going to have to get serious about what they are here for. Yes, "they" say the first year they were too young, too uneducated, too unskilled. The second year, Darcy's quest took them off course. But I also think "they" didn't really know what the six were suppose to do to "fix" things so they've been doing what they could in the meantime.

What do you think about Tellius fit of rage over a slur against The Six?

Darcy was getting a little ahead of herself with the whole "Your Majesty" thing from Nurse Dembe. I thought it was kind of funny. And though Tellius is only 14 he seems so much more mature. I guess it is the pressure he is under.

I like the ending to chapter 6. I can just hear Tellius saying this with a bit of smug attitude.
"Eleanor is away. I'll handle Rubidius."
Next week we'll get into swordplay and more as The Six settle back into life in Alitheia. We'll discuss chapters 7 - 12.

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