I love the Confessions of a Slightly Neurotic Hitwoman series by JB Lynn. Every book is a guarantee fun read. I love when I can spend the day reading one of these books. And that is exactly what I did with The Hitwoman Hires a Manny.
Katie comes home!
Though the Hitwoman series isn't your typical coming-of-age story, Maggie has done a lot of growing up over the course of this series. Especially in this book I think she had some real revelations about who she is and her part in the family.
I think one the truths Maggie is starting to realize has to do with our favorite red-headed cop Patrick. I know many readers (including myself) hoped that there would be a way for the two of them to be together despite Patrick having a wife and a second family. But his constant disappearing act is starting to wear thin on this reader and I think on Maggie, too.
However, there are plenty of other guys that I think have a thing for Maggie. Involvement with either one could possibly get messy.
First there is Jack Stern, crime reporter. He likes Maggie, but I'm not sure if he likes likes her. And I'm not sure how I like him just popping into her life when it suits him. I'm thinking he isn't relationship material even if Maggie gets a little swoony when he's around.
Then there is Angel, the manny for Katie, who happens to be a Delveccio. He wants nothing to do with his family's business. While he does seem to be the best candidate (and maybe the one I'm rooting for) for Maggie. But what happens when he finds out about her side job?
Speaking of side jobs. I was left with some questions at the end of this book. One, now that Katie is home and not in the expensive hospital, will Maggie need to continue to do jobs for the mob boss?
Two, is this series heading towards the end? While it will be sad to day good-bye to Maggie, it feels like the journey we started with her is coming to a natural conclusion. And I would be much happier with that than the dragging out the story or just adding filler to keep the series going forever.
Another question I was left with is a bit of a plot spoiler that I don't want to spoil for you, but it involves the animals. If you haven't read the series, Maggie talks to a lizard, a cat, and a dog and they talk back.
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Book info:
available formats: ebook (217 pages)
published: October 2015
genres: cozy mystery, humor
source: purchases
read: January 2016
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