G. Derek Adams did contact me and I read a book that was far from my usual reads. He called it "swordpunk". At the time I was just becoming familiar with steampunk, but for a local author I would give his a chance. You can read my review of Spell/Sword here.
Then a month or so ago I saw a notice from my local bookstore that Derek was having a launch party for his 3rd book - Asteroid Made of Dragons. I'm curious about the story and have a copy, though haven't gotten to it yet. It is part of the Spell/Sword series, but as someone at the book event asked the books can be read out of order. (I haven't read the second book).
I did go to the book launch and it was one of the best author events I have attended. This is the first time I've met Derek and he is a lot of fun. He has a nice following, especially for an indie author, as the local bookstore was full. Derek had the crowd laughing for much of the talk.
To experience a bit of his personality, check out his blog: https://spell-sword.com
While I'm still not sure about the "swordpunk" description, I can tell you that this is a fantasy adventure with characters you are going to love. (If you read my Spell/Sword review you know I came to care about the characters, and several people at the book launch expressed concern for their favorite character).
Read the opening chapters:
Buy Asteroid Made of Dragons at Amazon
About the author:
In his formative college years at University of Georgia, G. Derek Adams spent his time cultivating a love of words, theater, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Adams has written two previous novels and is threatening to write more. He has an abiding love for the fantasy universe and an unabashed desire to play within it. Adams lives in Athens, Georgia, with his beloved, a dog, two cats, and a rescue warg.Twitter * Facebook * Blog
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