Felix Jones and the Book of Words by Julian Roderick

For Felix and Tom it's just a normal day in school, but when an explosion rocks their school they notice their teacher acting strangely and decide to follow him where they see him with a book.
This decision changes the boys’ lives forever because now the Book of words has chosen Felix as his Keeper.
Their teacher tells Felix to keep the Book safe and then makes the boys run away.
They dodge the monks only to be thrown through time back into the 1940s.
The time is dangerous and the monks follow them. Felix uses the book which guides him to a guardian. They now need to find ‘The keeper’ of the book from this era to find out how they travel back home using the book.
Lives are lost along the way and all to protect the keeper and the magic book.
The boys meet some amazing, kind brave, people and also some horrible, evil people who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the book.
I loved this story, Felix and Tom are very likeable characters and I really enjoyed accompanying them on their time travel adventure.
Despite the losses of lives they remained brave and managed to protect the book and meet some new guardians closer to home.
I liked the way the author uses real past events and people as part of the storyline too.
I'm looking forward to book two to see what adventures they get up to next and what the book had in store for Felix and Tom. But also to see how Felix’s character develops as he uncovers more of the books secrets and learns how to use it.
I recommend Felix Jones and the Book of Words to Tweens, Young adults and adults alike who enjoy magical adventures across time with dangers around each corner.
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Felix Jones and the Honour of the Keeper by Julian Roderick

Once again we find Felix and his best friend, Tom, getting up to all sorts or trouble. Even taking Felix's sister's hamster, Fluffy, in their time travels.
This was to see if they could take another person along with them in their travels as they meet poppy who is very eager to become a guardian to the keeper.
Felix and Tom are trying to figure out where the magic of the book comes from in orders to stop it, to stop all of the pointless deaths of the guardians.
This time around they meet many amazing people from the past. But the book focuses on Merlin and King Arthur.
Felix, Tom and Poppy get to fight by King Arthur's side against the Bretheren.
I enjoyed the boys’ relationship develop with Poppy and I'm glad they now have a girl in the team.
The lighthearted humor had me chuckling out loud and even faced with the worst of situations the boys’ bravery and smarts shine through. I recommend Felix Jones and the Honour of the Keeper to Tweens who love w good adventure with a little danger thrown in and for young adults, and adults who are young at heart.
I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series. I can't wait for Tom, Felix and Poppy's next great adventure.
Buy Felix Jones and the Honour of the Keeper at Amazon
Claire Rees, reviewer. Claire lives in a small village in the South Wales Valleys, UK with her husband, two kids and five snakes. She has always loved reading books. Her favorite genres are horror, mystery and fantasy, although if the story line is good she'll read anything. Connect with Claire on Facebook.
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These look like they would be good books for my grandson. Thanks for the reviews