History of Punk for a Day
Punk for a Day was made up to celebrate the history of Punk Rock. This original movement transformed rock music and the face of the musical world. Punk rock offered something different for people who were cynical and knew there was more to what came before. A little teen rage helped fuel the teenaged angst platform.
How to Celebrate Punk For A Day
Punk for a Day gives anyone an excuse to let their Inner Punk Rocker out for the day.
Here are the ingredients for being a punk for a day, though if you talk to some of the old punks (me included) we would say PUNK IS DEAD. Never mind that! In 2016 we are still busy reliving our youth and punk days so what does that say about the movement? It’s far from DEAD!
1) You have to be a fan of BLACK. Day glow is fine on occasion but black never fails. If you use spray on hair dye, YOU are a poseur.

3) Venture out to thrift shops and secondhand stores. Pull out some old band shirts. And I don’t mean Journey or Kiss! If you buy your punk ensemble from say, Torid or Hot Topic YOU are a poseur.
4) Punks are not into blending in so make sure you are ready to get stares everywhere you go. If you think you look punk and dress like everyone else, YOU are a poseur.
5) If you think you know what punk music is and you are listening to Boy George and Flock of Seagulls, YOU are a Poseur.
6) Have plenty of hair products on hand. The more color the better but if you want to be more subdued dye your hair Jet black or Blue Black and spike it up.
7) If you are an old punk and still feel like one, get together with some friends (old and new) and do something you would have done back in the day. For example, bake a cake, have a party at a graveyard after dark or invite people over for a seance to bring back Darby Crash like I did right after his overdose.
And by all means, get drunk, pop some pills (just kidding) and rock the night away!

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And while you are looking at my photos from my punk days in L.A. Punk Snapshots you can also listen to the free playlist that goes along with it.
Brenda Perlin lives in Orange County, California. She spent most of her working life in the physical fitness arena. She loves the gratification that comes with helping people achieve their fitness goals and the fulfillment that comes with having a healthy body.
She moved from the Los Angeles area where she was raised to Orange County in the Spring of 2005. During that time she was a housewife with a couple of dogs. Now she is not. Instead she is writing her adventures for all to read.
Brenda has been writing just for fun since she was a young teen. For many years she wrote on paper napkins.
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This was so much fun! Thank you Donna!