Readers' Favorite

June 10, 2017

Constructive Criticism and Feedback: Getting an Unbiased Opinion

by Chris

As I’m writing this, I’m waiting in a Starbucks to meet with someone to discuss my book. Not an agent or publisher, sadly, but rather a friend—one to whom I’ve given a draft copy of my book.

June 9, 2017

Review: Channel of Peace: Stranded in Gander on 9/11 by Kevin Tuerff

by Susan Roberts

English: Gander golf club, Gander, Newfounland
English: Gander golf club, Gander, Newfoundland (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Channel of Peace is a true story of 9/11 and the after effects on one man.

June 8, 2017

The Intersect by Brad Graber

by MK French

May 9, 2017; Dark Victory Press; 9780997604207
ebook, print (460 pages); family saga
In Phoenix, Arizona in 2010, a group of people's lives intersect in interesting ways. The elderly Daisy gets into a car accident and is in rehab just as the nephew she never met and his wife Enid move to Phoenix. A chance meeting between them leads to the wife seizing control of Daisy's assets and selling her home to Charlie and Dave, a couple that moved from San Francisco to Phoenix for the job Dave soon comes to loathe. Across town, the psychic Anna has undocumented resident Ernie doing work on her home. He saves her from an attempted robbery from a gay homeless teen, but is then deported to Mexico. From there, some relationships are built and others deteriorate.

June 7, 2017

Perfect Summer Read: The Hitwoman Takes a Road Trip by JB Lynn

by Donna Huber

Summer is the perfect time to take a road trip. Whether you are going on one yourself or just want to take one in the pages of a book, The Hitwoman Takes a Road Trip by JB Lynn would be the perfect novel.

June 6, 2017

3 Historical Romance Novels

by MK French

The genre of historical fiction encompasses a wide range of eras and sub-genres. Today, I'm focusing on the sub-genre of romance. The first one is set in more modern history of the 20th century while the next two go back to the 19th century. What era to do you like your historical novel set in?

June 5, 2017

June 4, 2017

New Releases - June 2017

Armchair Book Expo Wrap-Up Note from Donna:

It has been another successful year for Armchair Book Expo. I thought the topics were a bit more thought-provoking and fresh. If you missed any of them you'll find links below. The Twitter parties were fun and I met some new-to-me bloggers. I really liked the Instagram challenges. It really made me step up my game on my pictures. I wish there was a bit more promotion opportunity for them to encourage people to check them out. Here at Girl Who Reads we are resuming out normal programming with our look at new releases for June.

Armchair Book Expo posts:

reading on the beach

May was a super busy month with all the great new releases. June slows down just the tiniest bit. You can still expect some big summer blockbuster books this month and into July. There is pleny of books to keep you entertained on your summer vacation. What books are you looking forward to?
