Readers' Favorite

June 17, 2018

2 Excellent Psychological Thrillers to Read Today

by Susan Roberts

Last Monday, MK French recommended some thrillers. I've also read two excellent psychological thrillers this month that I'd like to share with you.  If you enjoy this genre of books, you don't want to miss either of these.
Amazon affiliate links are used on this site. Free books were provided for an honest review.

The Good Twin by Marti Green

The Good Twin
May 2018; Thomas & Mercer; 978-1503949850
audio, ebook, print (272 pages); thriller
THE GOOD TWIN is a psychological thriller full of twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the end. Once you get past the first question -- could someone really try to kill their sister - the rest of the book is great to read.

Mallory grew up in poverty with just her and her mom in Scranton PA. She couldn't afford to go to college but after her mom died, she moved to NYC to take art classes that she paid for by waiting tables. She lived in a run-down rooming house and lived a very frugal life. One day at the restaurant, someone called her by another name and explained that she looked just like their friend Charly. When Mallory investigated, she found out that she had a twin sister that she didn't know existed. Charly had been adopted by a rich couple and lived a very lavish lifestyle. Was this difference in their lives enough to make her concoct a scheme with Charly's husband to have her killed so that Mallory would get Charly's inheritance? I can't say much more about the plot without giving away spoilers. What I will tell you is that there was a shock near the end that I didn't see coming that made this an even better book.

I highly recommend this book and plan to look at Marti Green's backlist to read some of her earlier books. Also, check out Donna's review of The Good Twin.

Buy The Good Twin at Amazon

Our Kind of Cruelty by Araminta Hall 

Our Kind of Cruelty
May 2018; MCD; 978-0374228194
audio, ebook, print (288 pages); thriller
This was one creepy and disturbing book and I loved it! Not sure what that says about me but I thought it was fantastic. In the very beginning, the book really bothered me and I almost put it down but I kept reading and was glad that I did.

Mike and Verity (who he refers to as V) met in college and appear to be deeply in love. Mike is obsessive about V and wants to do whatever he can to make her happy. When he returns from working for a year in another country, they break up and she invites him to her wedding (WHY??) to another man. He still thinks that they are playing a game with each other and she is just trying to punish him but really plans to end up with him and is sending him secret signals. The question you keep asking yourself - is Mike really crazy or is this really all a game for Mallory?

This is a dark and twisted novel but one you won't soon forget.

Buy Our Kind of Cruelty at Amazon

Susan Roberts lives in North Carolina when she isn't traveling. She and her husband enjoy traveling, gardening and spending time with their family and friends. She reads almost anything (and the piles of books in her house prove that) but her favorite genres are Southern fiction, women's fiction, and thrillers. Susan is a top 1% Goodreads Reviewer. You can connect with Susan on FacebookGoodreads,  or Twitter.

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