Readers' Favorite

February 21, 2019

2 Well Done Novellas

by Susan Roberts

I don't read many short stories because I prefer novels where the characters and action can be better explained.  I have read two novellas recently that were very well done and very interesting.

Definition of Novella:  A novella is a text of written, fictional, narrative prose normally longer than a short story but shorter than a novel, somewhere between 17,500 and 40,000 words. The English word "novella" derives from the Italian novella, feminine of novello, which means "new".

Amazon affiliate links are used on this site. Free books were provided for an honest review.

The Guy Who Died Twice (Detective D.D. Warren #9.5) by Lisa Gardner 

The Guy Who Died Twice
January 2019; Dutton; audio, ebook (58 pages)
I don't read a lot of short stories but this one caught my attention because it's by one of my favorite mystery authors and stars DD Warren - one of the best fiction detectives ever. Novellas like this are supposed to help fill the time before the next novel and I must admit after reading it, I just can't wait to read the new Lisa Gardner book - NEVER TELL due in February 2019.

A man walked into police headquarters to tell them he was dead. Of course, he was really alive because he was standing there but a few hours after he left, the detectives got a call that he had actually died - really died! DD and her squad go to his mansion to investigate and meet up with a quirky bunch of characters. They have to determine why he previously thought he was dead and who was responsible for his ultimate death. The widow, the doctor and the servants are all suspects and it's up to DD to figure out who is responsible despite lots of twists and turns along the way. It was a quick fun read that showcased DD Warren at her best. Now bring on NEVER TELL!

Buy The Guy Who Died Twice at Amazon

19 Myths About Cheating by Randy Susan Meyers

19 Myths about Cheating
August 2018; Brooklyn Girl Books; 978-1732093607
ebook, print (212 pages); women's fiction
This is a short, easy to read book that packs a major punch. It's about infidelity and how it affects not only the person having the affair and their spouse but also family and friends not just today but also into the future where it is a big secret for years after.

The book is divided into 19 chapters and each chapter heading is a myth about cheating and the real truth. Example - chapter 1 - MYTH: Men cheat more than women. TRUTH: As it turns out, the numbers are roughly equal or Chapter 19 MYTH:  Affairs almost always spell the end of marriage. TRUTH: More than 50% of marriages survive infidelity. This is the story about Adam and Isabelle. They've been married for years and have two children. He is a dentist and she works from home but also handles all of the home jobs. Over the last several years, she's started to feel invisible to her husband and realizes how appreciated she is when she starts having an affair with Guy. Her walk through the minefield she's created reaches a collision and life will never be the same.

This was an enjoyable novella by an author who is a master at creating real people with real-life problems.

Buy 19 Myths about Cheating at Amazon

Susan Roberts lives in North Carolina when she isn't traveling. She and her husband enjoy traveling, gardening and spending time with their family and friends. She reads almost anything (and the piles of books in her house prove that) but her favorite genres are Southern fiction, women's fiction, and thrillers. Susan is a top 1% Goodreads Reviewer. You can connect with Susan on FacebookGoodreads, or Twitter.

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