Readers' Favorite

September 12, 2020

4 Thrillers for the Cooler Weather

by MK French

With the cooler temperatures are you looking for more dark and gritty reads? Thrillers can be perfect for this time of year when all you want to do is curl up next to the fire with a blanket and a book you can't put down.

The Hitwoman Plays Games by JB Lynn ~ a Review

by Donna Huber

Maggie and the gang are all back for another adventure in JB Lynn's Confessions of a Slightly Neurotic Hitwoman series. Though calling her a hitwoman isn't so true anymore. But what is true is that this series is still just as enjoyable.

September 11, 2020

Road Out of Winter by Alison Stine ~ a Review

by MK French

Wylodine grew up poor and paranoid, as her family grew marijuana. Winters grew longer and longer, and she wants to restart. The way there in the extreme cold is dangerous, even with a group of exiles going with her. A cult leader is after them for Wil's ability to grow plants, especially necessary as winter continues to drag on.

September 10, 2020

The London Restoration by Rachel McMillan ~ a Review

by Susan Roberts

Determined to save their marriage and the city they love, two people divided by World War II’s secrets rebuild their lives, their love, and their world.

September 9, 2020

6 More Fantasy Novels to Read

by MK French

Last week, I shared 5 books for fans of young adult fantasy that I had read recently. Today, I have 6 more fantasy novels to recommend. 5 of these books are more for adults but as many fantasy novels are enjoyed regardless of the target audience age I also included one young adult novel. 

September 8, 2020

The Orphan Collector by Ellen Marie Wiseman ~ a Review

by Susan Roberts

September 28, 1918

The deadly virus stole unnoticed through the crowded cobblestone streets of Philadelphia on a sunny September day, unseen and unheard amidst the jubilant chaos of the Liberty Loan parade and the patriotic marches of John Philip Sousa. More than 200,000 men, women, and children waved American flags and jostled one another for prime viewing space along the two-mile route, while the people behind shouted encouragement over shoulders and past faces to the bands, Boy Scouts, women's auxiliaries, marines, sailors, and soldiers in the street. Planes flew overhead, draft horses pulled eight-inch howitzers, military groups performed bayonet drills, church bells clanged, and police whistles blew;  old friends hugged and shook hands, couples kissed, and children shared candy and soda. Unaware that the lethal illness had escaped the Naval Yard, the eager spectators had no idea that the local hospitals had admitted over two hundred people the previous day, or the numerous infectious disease experts had pressured the mayor to cancel the event. Not that it would have mattered. They were there to support the troops, buy war bonds, and show their patriotism during a time of war. Victory in Europe - and keeping the Huns out of America - was first and foremost on their minds. (chapter 1, first paragraph)

September 7, 2020

A Question of Betrayal by Anne Perry ~ a Review

by Donna Huber

I discovered Anne Perry earlier this year when I read One Fatal Flaw (read my review). I didn't love it, but I thought it was more the time period of the book than anything to do with Anne Perry's writing. So when I saw she had another new book this month and it was set during one of my favorite time periods I decided to give it a chance.

September 6, 2020

3 Literary Novels that Entertain

by MK French

Literary fiction, also sometimes considered "serious fiction", is a category of fiction that tends to have more literary merit than commercial fiction. Often classics fall into this category. While the story may include elements of mystery, fantasy,  adventure, etc, literary fiction has elements that elevate it beyond what you would find in purely genre fiction. 
