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October 6, 2022

The Family Home by Miranda Smith ~ a Review

by Susan Roberts

There’s a dead man in my apartment. Only me and my ex have a key. But neither of us would have done this. We have too much to lose...

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book cover of domestic thriller The Family Home by Miranda Smith
October 2022; Bookouture; 978-1803144702
audio, ebook, print (292 pages); domestic thriller

The Family Home
is the perfect psychological thriller.  The characters are well done, the plot flows well and the ending is a big surprise!  I had no idea - not even a hint - of who the 'bad guy' was until the last chapter.   When I mentally put all the pieces together after  I finished the book, it all made sense.  There may have been clues along the way that some readers picked up but it was a total surprise for me!

Lillian and Matthew had the perfect marriage and agreed on everything.  After the success of Matthew's company made them wealthy, they started IVF to have a baby and were rewarded with their daughter Molly.

Something horrible happened that caused them to question their lives and they ended up getting divorced.  Instead of moving their child from one house to another constantly, they kept the family home and an apartment, and whoever had custody each week, stayed in the house while the other lived in the apartment.  They remained good friends and didn't have problems with the custody arrangement.  One evening after their daughter's birthday party, Lillian went out with a friend and had too much to drink.  When she woke up on the couch and stumbled into bed, she was shocked to see all of the blood in her room and a dead body in her bed.  The first person she called was Matthew because she trusted him more than anyone.  When the police start to question her, the trust between them begins to lessen -- Matthew worries that maybe she was guilty and she worries that he has told someone a major secret from their marriage that could change everything.  Who is the man who is dead in her bed and who can she trust?  and more importantly who killed him?

Every time I thought  I had this figured out, I'd get more facts and realize how wrong I was.  The ending was perfect and made a lot of sense based on the plot of the story.  It was a book that I couldn't put down once I read the first chapter and a book that I highly recommend to people who enjoy a good suspense novel.

Buy The Family Home at Amazon
(Kindle Unlimited subscribers can read the ebook for FREE)

Susan Roberts grew up in Michigan but loves the laid-back life at her home in the Piedmont area of North Carolina where she is two hours from the beach to the east and the mountains in the west.  She reads almost anything but her favorite genres are Southern Fiction and Historical Fiction.  You can connect with her on Facebook.

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