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June 22, 2024

Middletide by Sarah Crouch ~ a Review

by MK French

Dr. Erin Landry is found hanging from a tree on failed writer Elijah Leith's property. It looks like suicide, but closer inspection shows that it's murder and parallels Elijah’s novel. He had returned to his childhood home to restore it and rekindle an old relationship, but the town is turning against him as the real killer is set on framing him for murder.

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book cover of mystery novel Middletide by Sarah Crouch
June 2024; Atria Books; 978-1668035092
audio, ebook, print (288 pages); mystery

The story has a past timeline of the 1970s that skips to 1988 when Elijah returns to the area, and 1994 when the doctor is found. This essentially sets up two different storylines for the novel, but they eventually meet up in 1994, giving us a different perspective than what police have. Elijah was ashamed of his failure in California, so he generally isolated and worked on reestablishing his parents' homestead. The doctor once found was clearly killed, setting up an investigation that circles Elijah even before the similarities are discovered. Someone deliberately puts Elijah’s novel into police hands, and they find Erin's journal as well. It really doesn't look good for Elijah at all going into the final third of the book. 

The past timeline really gives Elijah’s backstory and history with Nakita Mills. Their on-again and off-again relationship spans from their teenage self to the present, working through grief, misunderstanding, and differences in needs. This is a book about owning the past and coming to terms with it, 

Buy Middletide at Amazon

Born and raised in New York City, M.K. French started writing stories when very young, dreaming of different worlds and places to visit. She always had an interest in folklore, fairy tales, and the macabre, which has definitely influenced her work. She currently lives in the Midwest with her husband, three young children, and a golden retriever.

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