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September 29, 2024

The Perfect Baby by Sam Vickery ~ a Review

by MK French

The narrator is sure that she's ready to be a mother and take care of a baby, and has found the perfect one at the hospital. Unfortunately, the baby isn't hers to take home.

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book cover of thriller novel The Perfect Baby by Sam Vickery
September 2024; Bookouture; 978-1835258583
audio, ebook, print (246 pages); thriller

First and foremost, if you are as worried about the baby as I was, be assured that no harm comes to her.  We meet Elise and Maya at a surrogacy support group. Maya is eight months pregnant and the baby she's carrying is meant to go to a lawyer couple. Elise's sister is carrying a child for her, also due in three weeks. Both have secrets about their past and are connected during the group. Maya is carrying the baby as a penance and feels conflicted with how involved and anxious the couple are (calling five or six times a day, restricting her usual activity for fear of miscarriages, etc) and Elise is hurt that her sister is distant and won't involve her at all. There are also heightened emotions within the group itself, as motherhood isn't what they expected, and going the route of surrogacy is more emotional for everyone involved. 

This novel is one of emotional tensions. There are the secrets that Elise and Maya are keeping, the tangled feelings in the support group, and the growing possessiveness of the couple. The twist ending was a surprise when we see the truth for ourselves. If you can read s book regarding pregnancy and the conflicted relationships that can arise, this is the book for you.

Buy The Perfect Baby at Amazon

Born and raised in New York City, M.K. French started writing stories when very young, dreaming of different worlds and places to visit. She always had an interest in folklore, fairy tales, and the macabre, which has definitely influenced her work. She currently lives in the Midwest with her husband, three young children, and a golden retriever. 

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