I've been reading Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan stories for more than 2 decades (and I know many fans who have followed the series for longer). I always thought I enjoyed the Ryan Sr books more than the Ryan Jr. books because of nostalgia. But I recently read the two new books in the series and realized that there is another distinct difference between the Sr and Jr series. And I'm so excited about the new Ryan that is introduced in these books.
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Act of Defiance by Brian Andrews and Jeffrey Wilson
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May 2024; G.P. Putnam's Sons; 978-0593422878 audio, ebook, print (560 pages); thriller |
US intelligence is reporting turmoil in the Russian navy. Their deadliest submarine, the Belgorod, has unexpectedly launched, and taken along with it a long list of questions. Who authorized the departure? What mission is it on? And, most disturbing of all, what weapons do the giant doors on the sub’s bow hide?
I always loved how Clancy would write books that were out of order but all connected. So when this book goes back to the beginning with reference to The Hunt for Red October I was all excited (partly because Cold War era espionage is my favorite).
It isn't Jack Ryan's past we are delving into with Act of Defiance. Instead a new Ryan is introduced to the series (at least for me - I've missed a few books so perhaps I missed a previous introduction). I kind of forgot that Jack has two younger children as I mostly remember Sally and Jack, Jr..
I loved Katie Ryan right from the start. And I hope that she becomes a regular fixture in the Ryan Universe (perhaps she will get her own titled series and not just ride on the coattails of Jack, Sr.).
While reading this book, I realized why I enjoy it so much more than the Jack, Jr stories. The latter is all about action and the fight/torture scenes are just too over-the-top (they make Jack, Jr seem like a superhero instead of a regular person). In the original series, while there are action scenes, it is all about the intelligence gathering and strategy. It is what I fell in love with when I started reading this series two decades ago and why I still love it.
For long-time fans of the series, there are plenty of nostalgic winks to some of Jack's exploits which add a little fun to the story.
I really hope we get more of Katie Ryan.
Buy Act of Defiance at Amazon
Defense Protocol by Brian Andrews and Jeffrey Wilson
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December 2024; G.P. Putnam's Sons; 978-0593717974 audio, ebook, print (512 pages); thriller |
For decades, Taiwan has been a thorn in the side of the Chinese government. An independent nation to the rest of the world, it is considered a rogue province by the PRC. Previous governments have tried to conquer the island using economic force and diplomatic pressure, but new Chinese President Li Jian Jun is done fooling around. He’s devised a secret military operation to take the island.
If I had just looked a further down my TBR pile, I would have realized that we are indeed getting more books featuring Katie Ryan. Even so, I'm thrilled and a little shocked that we got 2 in the same year.
Again, this book hit all the right points for me. I love Katie as a character on her own, but it is really great to also see her interactions with her dad President Ryan.
Now that we have Katie who is taking up the role that Jack Ryan originally had in the series (an intelligence analyst), I wonder if we are starting to see the end of the great Jack Ryan.
Even though time seems to move slower in the Ryan Universe than it does in real life, eventually Jack will leave the Oval Office as he is already in his second term and then what will be left for him to do? Will he be a special consultant to the CIA?
And then there is the fact that he isn't a young man. Though I feel like they could go on forever with Jack (maybe dig up some older stories from his past that haven't been told), it isn't realistic for him to live forever. I'm starting to think as a fan, that I need to start preparing myself for the eventual death of Jack Ryan, Sr. If we are lucky that won't be any time soon.
But I do think Katie brings something fresh to the series even though there are several parallels to Jack's career and adventures. I hope in later books, she starts to become more of her own character.
I enjoyed that this story focused on China and Tawain as this feels like new territory. I think this is an untapped area for espionage novels and hope we delve into this front more in the future.
I'm looking forward to more books in this series.
Buy Defense Protocol at Amazon
Donna Huber is an avid reader and natural encourager. She is the founder of Girl Who Reads and the author of how-to marketing book Secrets to a Successful Blog Tour.
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